Is Your Career Site Ready for Mobile Recruiting? Here’s Why It Should Be

I’m sure you’ve heard by now that if your website isn’t mobile friendly by today, April 21, 2015, Google will remove your site from its Mobile Search Results. Anywhere from 30 percent to 45 percent of Google’s traffic comes from a mobile device, which is why it’s so important to Google that it is delivering links to websites that are easily viewable from the mobile device.

Run a test on Google’s Developer page to see if your site is mobile friendly here.mobileblog_1

Or you can search for your site from a mobile device. If “Mobile-friendly” pops up under your URL, you are already in good shape in Google’s eyes.mobileblog_2

As you can see, Simply Hired is optimized for the mobile job seeker.

While being verified by Google is important, what’s more important is being optimized for a good mobile job seeker experience. Here at Simply Hired over 40 percent of our job seeker traffic originates from a mobile device, and that percentage is increasing. Yet, less than 20 percent of Fortune 500 companies allow for a mobile job seeker to apply for a job online, according to the iMomentous Corporate Mobile Readiness Report. Jibe reports that 80 percent of job seekers expect to be able to search for jobs easily from a smart phone. They also found that 20 percent of job seekers would not apply to a job if they could not do so from their phone.

What does this all mean for you?

As a sales guy, the most common pain point I hear from customers and prospects is that they would like to reduce their cost per hire across all sources. Well, guess what? Addressing the mobile job seeker is a great way to reduce your costs. Let’s do some quick math.

Let’s say your average job gets 1,000 clicks across all sources. If all sources have a similar desktop to mobile traffic ratio then 600 of those clicks come from desktop and 400 of those clicks come from a mobile device. If you don’t have a process that allows a mobile job seeker to apply to that job, you just wasted 400 clicks. In other words, 400 job seekers found the open position you are trying to fill and could not apply to the job if they wanted to. Maybe the job seeker goes back to the job from an alternative device, but more often then not, the job seeker moves on.


For those companies that sponsor with Simply Hired, we like to ensure that when a job seeker clicks on an open position they can actually apply to it. If you don’t have a good mobile application process in place, your jobs are only being sponsored on desktop. If you’re interested in hearing more about how Simply Hired can help with your mobile recruitment strategy. Contact us today!
