Ring In The New Year With a More Effective Job Search

As 2014 draws to a close we at Simply Hired want to offer a few end-of-the-year tips to keep in mind about job search during the holidays.

Continue to job search

There’s a longstanding assumption that job search at the end of the year is a waste of time. People are out of the office. Companies are busy wrapping up Q4, vacations, holidays, etc. But the truth is, just like any other time of the year, there are companies hiring. So there’s no reason to abandon the job search until after the New Year begins. If you consider how widespread the assumption about zero hiring in December really is, won’t there be considerably less competition for jobs?

Update your documents

One thing that makes job search difficult, especially if you already have a job, is the amount of time that it takes to execute an effective job search. After all, you can’t just apply to a few jobs with a generic resume and expect that you’ll be hired. To apply for a job you need an updated resume that will catch the eye of potential employers. Although you may intend to have such a resume, everyday life can make that difficult, especially if you already have a job. So make a point to spend some time during the holidays—a single afternoon perhaps—updating and reviewing your resume. See if there are any accomplishments you can add to it, and spend some time editing and reviewing. Don’t leave a single stray typo.

Reassess your goals

When it comes to a career, it’s comforting to feel that you know what you want and where you are going. But a period of job search or unemployment can make that certainty difficult to maintain. It’s easy to have doubts or question goals. When confronted with a career crossroads, one of the best things you can do is turn to your support network for guidance. There’s no reason to travel the career path alone when family and friends can provide you some much-needed help during a period of career transition. So use time with your family and friends to reassess what is important to you and what you want to get from your career.

Improve as a professional

Success is closely tied to constantly improving, changing, adapting and trying new things. Although the holidays are a busy time, try to set some time aside to improve some element of yourself that will impact your career. Although you may not have time to learn a new skill, you can read a book related to your field, download a webinar or read a white paper. Find a way to enter 2015 a better potential employee then you were in 2014.

Enjoy your time off

This is probably the most important thing that you can do over the holidays. Take some time to recharge your batteries and have a bit of fun. Although it can be hard not to dwell on unemployment or desire for a better job, taking some time to yourself to enjoy life will make you better prepared to enter 2015 ready take on new challenges.

Good luck.

And Happy New Year.


Read these articles for more tips on how to conduct a successful job search in the new year:

