4 Career Hacks From Taylor Swift’s Album 1989

When I was a student Taylor Swift had just debuted with her first country album at age 16. I didn’t imagine that teenage girl would take over the music industry. Now she’s a multimillionaire pop star, named the most popular artist of 2014.

With her latest album, 1989, Swift is everywhere. There are many things to be learned from Taylor’s personal branding strategy and shrewd business sense. But you may be surprised to discover that there are lessons to be learned from her lyrics. Within her love-themed catchy tunes there are multiple career and job search tips. Here are four things that the album 1989 remind us.


Took our broken hearts
Put them in a drawer
Everybody here was someone else before
And you can want who you want

Welcome to New York

When your career isn’t where you want to be, you can always change it

The Bureau of Labor Statistics finds that the average American holds approximately 11 jobs in their lifetime. It’s likely that during that time they also felt some disappointment and discontent. If you aren’t satisfied with or engaged in your current job, it’s time for change. It can be a change of attitude, change of company and role or even a career change, but you have the opportunity to put away your “broken heart,” so to speak.

Taylor Swift Live In Auckland

New money, suit and tie
I can read you like a magazine
Ain’t it funny rumors fly
And I know you heard about me

Blank Space  

Monitor your reputation in all of your networks

A well-maintained social media profile and online presence is critical. Today recruiters are socially savvy and can easily run a Google Search on you. A 2014 Jobvite study says that 73 percent of recruiters find candidates through social media channels, and 93 percent of recruiters review candidates’ social media profiles. You don’t want to allow the web to give off bad impressions of you as a candidate or employee. Regularly check your privacy settings and keep what is visible to others as professional or innocuous as possible.


Cause the players gonna play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate
Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off, shake it off

Shake It Off

To achieve success you need resilience

Research shows that a little optimism can make a big difference both in your career and during your job search. Oftentimes recruiters will hire for attitude and fit over hard skills. After all, skills can be taught but a good attitude cannot. In your job search and career you will face rejection, unresponsive recruiters, colleagues you dislike and other hardships, but you shouldn’t give up. Do your best to shake off all the negativity and stay optimistic.


Did you think we’d be fine?
Still got scars on my back from your knife
So don’t think it’s in the past
These kind of wounds they last and they last

Bad Blood

Don’t burn bridges with anyone; it will likely affect your future opportunities

A GMAC report reveals that among the top 10 criteria employers look for in MBA candidates is business school reputation and prior employer. Whether it’s a colleague, a recruiter or an employer, you want to leave a positive lasting impression. You don’t want to have bad blood with anyone because people talk. It will cast doubt on your character. Treat your connections well if you want to get any recommendations for your next job.

Her music may be centered on relationships and romance, but many of the themes can be applied to your day-to-day job search activities. So if you’re experiencing any job-related struggles or need a little motivation, it can’t hurt to look to Taylor Swift for some inspiration.
