Write the Perfect Thank You Note

There are things that make the perfect thank you note: brevity, personalization and timing.

Hiring managers are busy. Not only are they interviewing for a new person on their team, but they also have to handle their day-to-day responsibilities as well. A brief, to-the-point e-mail is more appreciated than a lengthy letter.

If you interviewed with more than one person, each thank you note should be tailored to that person and what you discussed when you met with them.

Lastly, sending your thank you e-mail within 24 hours is a must. It shows that you’re excited about the role and interested in moving forward. Here is a template that you can customize to get you started:

Subject Line

Thank you!


Hi [Interviewer’s name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I really enjoyed discussing the [Job Title] position with you. [Mention something you discussed about the position in your interview that you liked]. After speaking with you, I’m even more excited about the role, so please let me know if there is anything else I can do to move forward in the process.

Thank you again, and have a great rest of you week.

Warm regards,

[Your name]

You don’t want to stand out for the wrong reasons, like grammatical or spelling errors. So check everything three times. Have a friend check, too.

Another way to stand out is by offering a simple solution or a link to an article that relates to an issue the hiring manager’s team is trying to solve. As long as your thank you note is sincere and shows your enthusiasm for the position, you’re sure to impress the interviewer.
