How To Relax Before Your Big Job Interview

So you’ve searched, applied and have been invited in for an interview for the job of your dreams.  You probably feel like the hard part of the job-search is over and you can now sit back and rest on your laurels.  That’s all well and good until you get to the night before or day of the big day and find your anxiety levels creeping up and an inability to focus on the task at hand.  

Whether it’s your first or hundredth time, interviews are one of the most stressful aspects of the job hunt process.  From the fear of the unknown to the pressure to score the job itself, interviews can often create an intense loop of self-doubt, fear, and stress.  While this cycle may be common in applicants, it’s by no means unavoidable. Read on for tips and tricks from Simply Hired on how to relax before your big job interview.

1.  Prepare and Then Re-Prepare

Being relaxed during your job interview isn’t just beneficial to your own peace of mind.  It can also help you appear confident and collected, which are attractive traits in a candidate for any prospective employer.  Fear of the unknown is one of the biggest causes of stress which makes preparation for all potential variables one of the key steps candidates can take to help nail their interview come the big day.  Spend some time exploring the employer’s website including corporate message, recent transactions or press releases and other useful information. Read and then re-read that job listing and try reading up on industry trends.  Remember that knowledge is power and with a little bit of prep you’ll be cool, calm and collected come interview day.

2. Rehearse Your Performance

While we’re not suggesting you rent out a conference room for a trial run, rehearsing and practicing for your interview ahead of time can go a long way towards easing nerves.  Try coming up with a list of potential common questions you’ll be asked about your experience. Review your resume for any potential areas of inquiry. Come up with a set of solid answers for those basic areas and watch your nerves on interview day melt away.

3. Think of the Interview as a Conversation

While this might seem a bit on the silly or simple side, thinking of your interview less as an inquisition and more as an opportunity to have a chat with a colleague in your field can go a long way towards helping you relax.  After all, you have a solid background with this type of work or you wouldn’t have been brought in for the interview in the first place. Hold your head up, square your shoulders and walk into the interview room as if you’re about to chat with a friend over coffee regarding all the things you love and enjoy about your job.

4. Employ Relaxation Techniques

If you’ve got an internet connection, library card or access to a bookstore and a few minutes to spare, you’re bound to find a host of articles and resources on common relaxation techniques.  From yoga to meditation, even a few minutes spent the morning of your interview can go a long way towards collecting your thoughts and calming your nerves. Having a solid routine in place is a commonly suggested technique for relaxation.  Prep and plan your day beforehand, from your breakfast to transportation to what you’ll be wearing, and watch your confidence soar.

5. Remember Your Strengths

As we previously mentioned, you wouldn’t have been invited in for an interview in the first place if you didn’t have strong qualities as a candidate for the position.  Spend a few minutes making a list of your positive professional skills and traits and compare them to the job listing for the position. Focus on these qualities and the aspects that you feel help you stand out from the candidate crowd.  If you have a mentor or former trusted colleague, feel free to ask them for feedback on what they felt were your strengths. Having someone else recognize you’re amazing can go a long way towards quelling nerves from lack of confidence on interview day.

6. Take a Load Off

Last but not least, remember that as attractive as any given position may be, there are always more fish in the job-search sea.  Few opportunities are truly “once in a lifetime” and sometimes a failure to land a gig can leave you open for other bigger and better chances.  Throw in a little confidence, plenty of practice and maybe a formal relaxation trick or two and you’ll be well on your way to interview mastery and all the better positioned to help score the job of your dreams.

Article Updated from the Original on April 23, 2018
