Infographic: Fill Your Fast-Paced Job With the Perfect Candidate

According to Simply Hired data, 11.5 percent of open jobs on are described as fast-paced. Employers communicate the need for candidates for a fast-paced environment in various ways. The most common terms used are:

  • rapidly changing
  • high growth
  • highly collaborative
  • demanding
  • dynamic
  • deadline-driven

If you’re looking for candidates who will thrive in your fast-paced job, consider asking them the following questions.

  1. How do you manage your workload?
  2. Tell me about a time when you missed a deadline.
  3. How have you managed to meet a challenging deadline?
  4. Tell me about a time when you had to change course at the last minute.
  5. How do you prioritize your work?
  6. What techniques do you use to manage stress?

View the infographic below to learn more about Simply Hired’s fast-paced job analysis.

